Write Your CV

Your CV is often the first impression that a future employer has of you, unless they’ve already reviewed your social media profile. Your CV presents an overview of what you’ve done in the past and implies what you can do for that employer in the future. Its main job is to sell your qualifications. You have to think of it as a sales pitch – and what it’s selling is you.

Just remember that most employers won’t be buying until they’ve also checked you out online – especially on LinkedIn. Surveys reveal that more than 90 percent of all employers use social media to evaluate potential hires. Make sure your credentials on your CV match that of your online profile. Make sure they’re professional and create an outstanding image of you.

Creating an effective CV
You’ll want to draw upon your accomplishment stories and your positioning statement. Remember that the “A-R” portion (the Actions and Results statements) of your SOAR-based accomplishment stories will be the basis of the Summary of your CV. The most frequently used and accepted CV format is the chronological CV. It outlines your job history starting with the most recent job. You should include clear and concise information on job titles, responsibilities and accomplishments.

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